randoms thoughts on..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Open Communication in a Relationship

It feels heavy deep inside if something’s hindering you from telling what you truly feel. Sometimes thoughts keep on lingering inside your head but you just don’t know how to put it in words. Sometimes words are at the tip of your tongue yet you just can’t utter it.

Relationships are not really meant to be perfect at all times. Every couple would definitely pass the rocky road. Trials are everywhere and even in relationships, it exist. Loyalty and trust is tested through time.

Personally, I experienced the same thing; like having the right words in mind but having a hard time saying it face to face. I really can’t say the words to him, afraid that something might change between us. I can’t simply open it up for fear that the situation might go out of control and would rather become worse. Everytime I feel disappointed or sad, I always try to resist and hold myself together, keep the pain within me until I can’t hold it any longer and burst into tears one night.

But now I realized how important open communication is in building a strong relationship. It serves as a foundation that strengthens the bind of two people in love more and more with each passing day. It is also a way of engaging couples into a heart to heart conversation. Through open communication, misunderstandings and problems are patched up as early as it become more complicated. That’s one of the ironies of life, the more you open up things to your partner, the more you become close to each other. 

The essence of life is to love. To love is to help, to understand, to accept, to have faith, to believe, to fight, to hold on, to take risks, to commit, to care and expect nothing in return. Love feels like heaven but could hurt like hell. 

Though action speaks louder than words, 
there are still things that you can’t explain through actions, 
but instead needs to be articulated…

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